Monday, April 30, 2012

2 Francs 1965

Description : 2 Francs (Without IEOM)
Mintage : 1,750,000
Country : French Polynesia

Lady seated on throne, facing right holding lit torch in left hand. Assorted fruit in bend of right arm. Yup, that's right if you look closer on obverse of this coin. I get this coin on a bunch of old coins by Coin dealer in Jakarta. I was rumagged in it. And then, i surprised with one coin. It's such a unique and i never seen it before. Thus, i bring that home.  Keep stay!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

50 Centimes 2002 - Butterfly

Description : 50 Centimes 2002 - Butterfly
 Mintage : N/A
Country : Congo - Democratic Republic
Although it so rarely known by other collector, it 's really scarce to find because you will search person who want to sell or trade this. I think y'all already know about its origin. Yep, Congo!. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (French: République démocratique du Congo), commonly referred to as DR Congo, Congo-Kinshasa or the DRC, is a country located in Central Africa. It is the second largest country in Africa by area since the accession of South Sudan as an independent country and the eleventh largest in the world. If you want to know about this coin., check it out on Numista :

Friday, April 27, 2012

2 Pesos 2010 - Central Bank

Description : 2 Pesos 2010 - Central Bank
Mintage : 995,000
Country : Argentina

After One Month i was busy to my exam. Finally, the "war" is over yesterday and we'll see the result one month later. The Independent is mine Now, but it's not 100% done yet. I could struggle to reach my objective in the future. Beside it, I realized i'm forget to update my post of my collection after 1 month. So, Here it is. This coin was made in Argentina 2 years ago, to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Central Bank. Its diameter is 30.35 mm. This coin also Uncirculated. What a Well-Design Coin.