Thursday, July 25, 2013

Long time break and Selling some?.


So, I'm pretty hesitate to post this blog, Actually a day ago i'd like to post my new coins but i couldn't because i thought it's wasting time and someone would think i bragging about my collection so i decided to not posting as well. My last post is about 6 months ago and i've never touched keypads to post my coins and i even haven't sign in this blog yet.

And also i have been entered 11th grade in my high school and i'm kind of rarely trade coins to each other and that means i won't be productive in posting and exchanging coins due to busy of schedules and study that i have. In the first i admit it i'm really eager to post some of my collection and i think it would be fun but no it's nothing fun at all and i just got frustrating of choose what coin next instead. So pathetic..

Speaking about coins, i've had a plan to sell some coins that i have to make more money out of it and i'm in the progress to make it real.
